
Questions! From the Orpheum, in Tampa, FL.

By "abandon [sic] locations", do you mean MySpace? Yes. I think the only thing that'd get me back on MySpace is a desire to communicate with way-word [sic] spirits, and, even in those cases, I probably couldn't remember my password.


I'm gonna say yes.

I've been fantasizing about the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Moscow to Beijing, with a detour through Mongolia.

Elemental creatures are bass players from France. They help a lot.

For one thing--and I'm serious--how beautiful their respective alphabets are.

I loved Jeanette Walls' "The Glass Castle".

I would be heck of rich.

Kill Newt, kill Mitt, kill Ron, fuck Shirley Chisholm, marry Shirley Chisholm.

I don't know what those are. So, I'll say yes.

Van's rather packed. So, alas, I must rebuff.


Josh Wink, "Higher State of Consciousness".


Scottish king. Met these witches. Wife got weird, washed repeatedly.

String theory, like most advanced science, is to me basically like an Aztec priest saying, "We have to rip this dude's heart out, at the top of the pyramid, and put it in the special magical stone bowl, or the sun won't rise!" (ps there is no Dana only Zuul)

I will be your Valentine-in-Absentia.